
FotoRio, Rio de Janeiro’s annual photo festival, opened today at Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica with two shows: “Carlos Vergara: um percurso em imagens” and “Delírios Coletivos”. Brazilian artist Carlos Vergara has been working with photography for more than 40 years, as a medium in itself as well as support for painting and other techniques. Curated by Pedro Vasquez, the venue shows some of his series, such as the Cacique de Ramos carnival group and bus stops in Kazakhstan.

“Delírios Coletivos”, organised by Julieta Roitman, exhibits the works of four art collectives in Rio de Janeiro: Coletivo Gráfico, MIÚDA, Norte Comum and Padilla. They share the use of an expanded photography, integrating it with other media, such as video, performance and urban interventions with a strong political message.

Curators Rosane and Pedro Vasquez, and photographer Mickele Petrucelli.

Photographers Marcos Bonisson and Katia Chavarry.

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