
The exhibition “Encontros” (in Portuguese, “Encounters”) opened on May 17th at Candido Mendes University’s art gallery in downtown Rio, showing works by four professors from the Visual Arts course. 

André Leal narrates his learning experience with the city, embodied in his “objets trouvés” - fragments collected on  a 10 kilometre walk, covered in 1h35min. In his series of photographs “desORDEM”,  Andreas Valentin points to the apparent disorder of the accumulation of things discarded and collected, where, however, there is a logic ordered by a unique personal system. In her film, Adriana Maia dissects the making of independent theater and reinforces the imperative of meeting people who, openly or secretly, relate to each other. And, mapping the cosmic in the names of buildings in three Brazilian cities, Mayana Redin gives new meanings to the urban universe.

Universidade Candido Mendes / Pequena Galeria / Rua da Assembleia 10, subsolo / Rio de Janeiro.

A view of the gallery.

Andreas’ “desORDEM”.

Andreas’ “desORDEM”.

Andreas shows his work to the Rector of the University, Prof. Candido Mendes.

Andre Leal’s “Trajetos Urbanos”.

Adriana Maia and a her film “A correspondência secreta e o teatro de bolso”.

Mayana Redin’s “Cosmografias”.

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