Modernidades fotográficas, 1940-1964 / Photographic Modernities, 1940-1964 / Instituto Moreira Salles, Rio de Janeiro, March 2016

Photographic modernities, 1940-1964 just opened at Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) in Rio de Janeiro, with 160 images by four major Brazilian photographers representing a crucial period for the formation of modern photography in the country. Curated by Ludger Derenthal, coordinator of the Kunstbibliothek photography collection in Berlin and Samuel Titan Jr., executive coordinator of IMS’ cultural department, the venue shows the photojournalism of José Medeiros (1921-1990), the modernism of Marcel Gautherot (1910-1996 ), the abstraction of Thomaz Farkas (1924-2011) and the industrial photography of Hans Gunter Flieg (1923) in the context of Brazil’s transformation and modernisation in the 1950s. This exhibit opened in Berlin in 2013 and was then shown in Paris, Lisbon and Madrid.

Curator of the exhibition, Samuel Titan Jr. and Sergio Burgi, Coordinator of Photography at IMS.

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